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10 Top Profitable Blogging Niches

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How to get people to read your blog?

How to make money from blogging (or at least, how I think from what I read)

All of these are great questions. And all of them deserve answers.

But the question that you should be asking yourself is: what do I want?

What do I want, and how my life is gonna look like in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? 30 years? That’s what you need to focus on. Not only because it will help you figure out where you should go next, but also because it will help keep your goals in perspective and keep you focused on the most important things in your life.

Do you want to have a great career and make good money?  Or do you just want to get through the day without any stress or drama in your life?  If that’s the case, then I would recommend that you take a look at my post and read about how to create an awesome life. It will help inspire and motivate you so that it won’t seem like such a big deal when it comes time for your next step.

This post contains affiliate links, as an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Learn more…

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How to get people to read your blog, how do you get someone else’s attention?

OK, let’s start first with what is a niche.

Niche is a term used to describe an area of interest. It can be anything from a specific genre, such as science fiction, to a type of animal or even the color of your favorite shirt. Whatever it may be, you want to find out what people are interested in and then ensure that you have something they will like.

What does this mean for me?

It means that you need to start thinking about how you can create content that people will want to read. This means writing about things that other people care about and sharing them with others on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. You also need to think about ways in which you can get your message across by using images, videos, or articles written by other authors who share similar interests as yourself. The more unique your content is, the more likely it is going to attract readership and help build up your following over time.

How to find your niche?

The first thing to do is to find a niche that you are passionate about. You'll need to be able to tell your story, and how you can help others in the same situation.

For example, I know that I'm passionate about helping people to start with digital and affiliate marketing because I have struggled with it myself. So when I was looking for my niche, it was easy for me to find something related to what I wanted to help people with – so I start blogging!

Let me tell you how I start with my blog. Well, first what I did was read, and search on google and different blog sites. I have a passion to write for Digital and Affiliate marketing, so I was researching on a different website and found my write niche title’s for my post in my blog.

After I feel that I’m ready to start blogging, I just open a word document and start writing, collecting text and information for my niche, but still not published, at least till not writing my first 3-5 posts, so everything was on my word document in my laptop.

After I complete my posts, I start publishing my content on my blog. Here are other posts on my blog - read and learn. Then I focused to share my posts and find readers, by sharing my blog on social media (Facebook, Reddit, Quora, LinkedIn, etc).

What do you like? (Here's the secret to unlocking your style.)

Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what you want to write or what "your style" is or should be. But you have style and you know things on a physical level. Some diagnostics take a step back to make it easier to see.

Ask yourself. What media will you use? What books, movies, TV shows, music, and social channels do you have? Name the first things that come to mind. It should be realistic, not ideal. You're not trying to impress anyone, you're trying to figure out what excites you. Now the second phase of this diagnosis is: What do you see in everything you consume? They can be obvious (challenging procedurals! documentaries/fiction!) or abstract (they can all have crazy jokes, magical elements, or strong heroines). Now you get what you deserve. Think about what you can write to draw elements using lines. Writing is a long game, but it's a game you have to play for yourself.

superman believe

Expand your knowledge

The more experience you have in freelance writing, the more attractive you will be to clients. That's why expanding your knowledge is important even after you start working in a niche. Stay up to date with the latest industry news, and updates. Read industry publications and blogs subscribe to newsletters you can also take an online course or read e-books. No matter how original your freelance writing is, the global nature of freelancing means you're likely competing with at least a few others. So become an expert in your field and do everything you can to stand out from the crowd!

Determining your niche in time will make all other decisions easier. Knowing your niche will help you choose a domain name, blog software, visual design or theme for your website, and plugins to enhance your blog. Knowing your niche makes it easier to create consistent content for your blog. It is much easier to agree on what a certain niche post should be about than to think about what to write about (because of the endless list of topics). This will free up more time for creative decisions such as how and why to write.

Focusing on one topic makes blogging easier with limited resources. Blogging may not be the ultimate goal for any iPhone or Android app review, but it can be an opportunity to increase the credibility of any smartphone app that controls your washing machine.

An important part of a successful blog is identifying and serving a specific target audience. Unfortunately, many newbie bloggers start looking at different topics. They argue that simply switching to more information will inevitably lead to more readers. It doesn't work. A blog without focus is like a map without a destination. Not practical. The formula for getting repeat readers is to identify the audience you want to target, understand that audience well, and create specific content that you want to target. The best way to start doing this is to first define a "niche". It simply means a narrow, specific topic that will be the focus of your blog.

Starting A Blog: Finding Your Niche: Workbook Tips & Tricks to Starting A Blog to Expand Your Network

Starting A Blog

Here are some Top Writing Niches ideas:

1. Finance

Consumers spend millions of dollars each year on credit cards, loans, and other banking products.

These include banks, credit card companies, etc. This means you have a lot of money to invest in content creation. Financial writers are in high demand these days and the most important thing is that companies have enough budget to hire professional writers. Many large financial firms are looking for unique perspectives and compelling stories. There are no fluffy articles in this area of ​​writing. Only high-quality valuable content.

2. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a kind of content because many financial writers don't know how to write about mining and cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrencies are hot right now, but it's not a trend that's going away anytime soon. According to NASDAQ, Blockchain is one of the fastest-growing technologies in the mid-millennium.

If you are passionate about this niche, you can easily find freelance writing jobs.

3. Travel blog

The travel market is targeting millennials who want to spend on once-in-a-lifetime experiences, as well as young retirees who want to complete their bucket list before it's too late.

You have to be a seasoned storyteller who can find travel stories that most people have never heard of.

4. Digital marketing -My niche :)

Every year more and more businesses and entrepreneurs are using the internet to do more business online.

These include email newsletters, opt-in services, online accounting software, online hosting, and more. This means they trust digital marketing companies: most of these companies prefer long-form content such as in-depth guides or tutorial-based content. They also understand market trends. It's a niche I write about and I love the variety of topics about digital marketing.

5. Education

There are two main markets for writing instruction. Private students and university lenders. Both have a lot of money and need content to stand out and attract new customers. If you are a teacher, you will make a great freelance writer!

You can use your experience as a teacher, student, coach, homeschool mom, or professor to write on this writing site and make money online.

6.  Ghostwriting – writing a book

Many entrepreneurs, coaches, and freelancers often want to publish a book about a topic in their life or industry.

Most people are not writers and want to hire ghostwriters to write a book. Others hire freelance writers to edit or proofread books.

Although screenwriting prices vary, successful screenwriters earn around $3,000 or more per month.

7. Email marketing

Email marketing has become a must and the most effective way to promote and convert leads into leads or customers.

Businesses rely heavily on creating effective email channels to move prospects down the buyer's path. You can find channels, event posts, and more for this writing niche. Content can be found. This type of writing is based on copywriting knowledge and different copywriting formulas.

8. Entertainment

One of the bestselling writing fields is entertainment freelance writing which requires a special specialization!

However, you need to be able to create quickly marketable content that focuses on hot topics.

9. Sports

Being a freelance writer means following your passion, so if you love sports, this could be the place for you!

To be a freelance sports writer, you need to know what you're talking about.

So it is very useful for sports lovers.

10. Technology

In high-paying freelance writing, technology is a broad topic with a broad audience.

But if you're a techie, it can be fun!

Discovering My Niche

Your writing area is open.

Some of these top writing fields require some experience but can be achieved through guest posting and blogging. Over time, you'll learn industry jargon and keep up with the latest news to help you become a freelance writing expert.

Now it's your turn - what's your niche?  Share in the comments!

I hope this helps!


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