In this article, you will learn how to get blog traffic
Content of the article:
1. Find the real author (If you still aren't able to write!)
2. Use keyword research to identify good blog
post topics
3. Focus on creating content that lasts
4. Keep your blog content fresh by updating
existing posts
5. Add powerful images to your blog posts.
6. Optimizing blog posts for search engines
7. Type the email addresses
8. Encourage social sharing
9. User Censorship and Engagement
10. Create backlinks for blog posts
Let's start with a very important question.
Why blog?
-There are three main reasons.
Well first, blogging can be fun. It's a creative
activity where you can express yourself and, if done well, you can connect with
a large audience.
Second, blogging can help you or your business
to become an authority in your industry.
Third, blogging can significantly increase the
number of people who visit your website.
According to inbound marketer Hubspot, businesses that don't blog consistently generate only 55% of their traffic. So if you write well and blog about a topic that many people are interested in, your website can get a lot of traffic. We all know what high traffic to your website means - more leads and more sales.
1. Find or Be the real author!
The key to getting your blog noticed and getting
lots of traffic is writing good content. Content is better when the people who
write it know and are passionate about what they are writing. Blog posts that
are written with heart, not content farms or AI bots, are more likely to be
posts that people care about and, more importantly, share.
However, you may not be the best person to write a post about your website. You may not be a great writer. You probably don't have time for a blog. If any of these statements apply, you may want to consider hiring a writer who has the skills and time to write really good blog posts. But everyone who writes on this site needs to let their personality shine through. Readers identify with authors because they like or dislike the author's personality, talents, or voice. If your readers like you as a writer and the quality of the content you create, you can get more loyal followers on your blog. So make sure your posts show your personality. This will help you connect with readers who are more likely to come back to your blog because they like you as a person. Once you've found a writer and a voice, it's time to think about what to write about.
2. Use keyword research to identify good blog topics
It's very easy to write blog posts that cover
in-depth topics that nobody cares about!
Likewise, it's easy to write a blog post about an industry that people care about, but it's easy to title it with words and phrases that no one is looking for. Keyword research is your friend. This will help you generate great blog post ideas and reach a wide audience with your content. Using a keyword research tool like Semrush or Google, you can see the number of monthly searches for different keywords and how difficult it is to rank for certain phrases.
It can be better than checking the Semrush Keyword Research Guide to find the best target keywords to use on your blog. For a limited time, you can get an exclusive 30-day trial of the product here.
Do keyword research in Semrush. The secret to keyword research is finding phrases that will drive the right amount of traffic to your blog but aren't too competitive.
This means they should be included in your message:
• Title
• Meta Description
• Topic
• other text
• Copy the main text.
We'll we will go into more detail on this, but first, let's take a look at the broad ones that are often crucial for successful blog posts.
3. Focus on creating long-term content for your blog
Research shows that "long content" performs better in search results than short or "thin" posts. Size Matters!
Long-form content is a detailed article with many words on a specific topic.
Now, there are many reasons why long-form content can help you rank higher in search results. First, long-tail entries naturally contain more keywords, so they are more likely to appear in search results containing long-tail keywords (multi-phrase searches).
Second (and more importantly), the depth of a longer article will inspire readers to answer a visitor's question or solve a problem. Because of this, posts are more often shared on social networks or linked to other pages, which has a very positive effect on traffic. Hold the length at least!
Long contributions generally attract more readers than very short contributions, but it is important not to be influenced by their length. If you create large items to display "long shape" fields instead of generating useful content, you do not reward readers or search engines.
Quality questions about how Google has repeatedly explained in its advice to improve the classification of their content in search results.
4. Keep your content fresh by updating existing blog articles
If you have studied blogs and referencing, you will see many articles that create the importance of creating "fresh" content to create better search results and website traffic. However, I would be careful not to interpret this as an instruction to create a new post.
There is more value in focusing on quality than quantity. Instead of blogging every day, spend more time improving your existing content, from time to time.
I do this by constantly going through my old posts and providing the latest information available. This is especially important when it comes to product reviews, but even "persistent content" (actual posts that don't change often or at all) can sometimes give you a little boost. This not only sends a "news" signal to Google, which is validated by the search engine algorithm but also helps to increase the length of posts and improve "long" content. Do it in the search results. That said, it's important to post regularly. The more content your site has, the more keywords it can theoretically rank for. But if the content is solid!
Learn To Optimize For SEO: Discover The Basics Of Search Engine Optimization: Seo Toolkits
5. Add beautiful images to your blog
Using good images is very important in any blog post you publish. There are four main reasons for this.
First, it helps readers understand what you're writing about (especially important if you're exploring complex concepts—visual aids can help simplify things).
Second, when visitors share your post on social media, it's usually the main image that goes with your post - if it's a boring image, it's unlikely to lead to a click-through to your website. Free images and infographics you can find on sites like Unsplash or Canva, for your blog posts.
Third, just like text, images can be optimized to help your content appear in search results. By adding relevant keywords to your image's "alt text", file name, and title, you can help search engines better understand the content of your post (which in turn can help your post appear more often in relevant search results centers).
Finally, good images help your content look authoritative. If you use beautiful pictures in your blog post instead of cheap-looking clip art, people who come across it are more likely to take it seriously or read it first.
When adding images to your blog posts…
• Pay attention to file size – large image files increase page load time, which in turn affects how search engines use your content in searches (search engines prefer fast-loading pages over longer pages).
• Only use images that you have permission to use – If you don't have an image license, you could be fined hundreds of dollars for copyright infringement. Fortunately, many great royalty-free stock photos sites like Pexels and Unsplash can help you avoid this problem, but keep it original if possible, especially if your blog includes products. Google has publicly stated that it prefers the original image over the widely used image in this case.
Web graphic design tools like Canva can help you create high-quality infographics for your blog, as well as provide access to royalty-free photo galleries.
6. Optimize your blog posts for search engines
There are several technical steps you need to take to give your blog posts the best chance of ranking well in search results.
You always have:
• Create blog post titles that reflect your
keyword research and accurately describe what you've written
• Include keywords that reflect the content in
the URL of each post
• Use keyword-rich headings to break up your content.
• Use keyword-rich alt text and filenames for your images. For more tips on this, you might want to check out my post on how to get your content visible in Google search results or watch the videos on YouTube.
You can also do some "technical SEO"
activities. Google prefers content that loads very quickly, some things that
can help with this include:
• Register your website with Google Search
• Make sure all image files are as small as
possible (not too pixelated)
• Avoid unnecessary scripts on the page
• Make your website/blog compliant with Google's new “Core Web Vitals” standard
It's easy to focus on everything you can do to build a search algorithm like your blog post and completely forget that you're trying to impress people!
There are a few things you can do to make your
blog posts more appealing to the "real" readers:
• Avoid jargon or complicated language – Most
people reading your blog posts are new to the topic you are discussing, so try
to use simple language and explain concepts clearly.
• Use relatively large, easy-to-read fonts on your blog.
• Make sure your blog uses a "responsive" design, that is,
it displays content that matches the device being viewed (mobile phone, tablet,
laptop, etc.).
• Make sure your blog loads quickly – Posts that load slowly can cause people to stop reading.
7. Type the email addresses
After getting visitors to your blog, you should always do your best to get their email addresses. It allows you to notify your visitors about new blog posts via an e-newsletter; it can increase traffic for them as well as increase social sharing.
To effectively capture email addresses, every blog post should have a mailing list signup form, not just a "Join Our Mailing List" page on your website. You can use a sidebar, a popup, or a simple text call to action to encourage people to join your mailing list.
When creating this signup form, be sure to include the benefits of being listed—the value your website visitors get from subscribing.
Highlight e.g. the great resources your
subscribers can expect, and the skills they'll learn instead of a boring "join
our mailing list" call.
Get email addresses on your blog - a very important tactic you can use to increase your blog traffic. If you use an email marketing tool (like GetResponse, or another), you can use your RSS feed to power your email newsletter—meaning that every time you add a new blog post, you'll automatically receive subscribers. Email newsletter with notifications of new content.
Beware of pop-ups (or "interstitial ads" as Google likes to call them). They can greatly increase the number of leads you generate, but they can also negatively impact search traffic, especially if the mobile version of your site is overused. Learn more about Google's approach to pop-ups.
8. Encourage social sharing
Actively encourage your readers to share your blog posts. Be open to requests from people to share your content on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. If they follow these campaigns, they should not only see increased traffic to your post but also send a subtle "signal" to search engines about the popularity and quality of your post. (The jury is out on whether social sharing directly affects search results. There seems to be some correlation.) Tools like Sumo or Addthis allow you to add great social sharing icons and data capture forms to different parts of your site. Adding social sharing to your blog posts using tools like Sumo or Addthis can increase your traffic.
Many people wonder if blogging is best for a particular platform. Nothing is stopping you from successfully blogging on popular website/online store builders like Shopify, Squarespace, BigCommerce, or Wix.
You can generate (and sell) more traffic by following the tips in this article.
However, if you want to create a full-fledged publication or professional blog, there is a lot to be said about using self-hosted WordPress. Starting as a blogging tool, WordPress offers many blogging features (such as advanced content versions, SEO tools, and advanced placement options) not typically found in website builder solutions like Wix or Shopify.
9. User Comments and Engagement
Invite people to add comments at the bottom of
your post. This is useful for three reasons.
I. Create keyword-rich content for your website. (Content that Google can index and rank).
II. Discussions in the comments section help you get back to your blog.
III. Some SEO experts believe that Google prefers blog posts that spark community discussion over posts without comments because Google increases the "wait time" of posts.
10. Create high-quality backlinks for your posts
At the most basic level, there are two main factors for blog posts to rank high in search results.
First, your posts must
have high-quality content.
Second, there should be plenty of backlinks pointing to it. That is links to other reputable sites. We looked at “Quality Content” earlier. You should focus on creating long articles that cover the topic you are writing about clearly and in depth. Always try to meet the needs of the readers to solve their problems. Getting backlinks is often a much more difficult task. This is because many bloggers and website owners have to contact them to request a link to their post content or to grant access to their blog posts. It seems to be some kind of online PR campaign. This type of evangelism takes time, but it is important and can be very rewarding if done carefully. Advice. Don't forget to include internal links.
If your existing blog post has a lot of backlinks to it, you can use the power of blog posts by linking to other posts on your site. Internal links send some of your page's "link juice" to other content and help you rank higher in search results.
Another backlinking option is to hire an agent to link on your behalf. Be careful though, because you are hiring an agent or consultant and you will be sending (or buying) links to low-quality sites. Often the harm outweighs the benefit.
When you link:
• Follow authority sites (you can use domain
authority scores from SEO tools like Semrush to see if it works)
• Make sure the links you create are contextual (for example, if you're linking to a site about shoes, don't link to a post about cars).
Frequently Asked Questions About Blogs Most modern website builders and e-commerce solutions have good blogging tools available. However, if your goal is to blog professionally or create a magazine-style publication, then self-hosted WordPress is often a better choice.
The main way to monetize your blog is usually through affiliate advertising (where one of your readers clicks on a link on your page and then receives a commission for buying a product from a website they visit) or display advertising (where you place your banner ads), and aim for (eg Google AdSense).
Another way to make money is to build a mailing list by subscribing to your blog and selling products to your subscribers.
Is it possible to blog for free?
You can run your blog on multiple platforms for free. Blogger is probably the most popular. Some paid platforms, such as Wix and WordPress, allow you to blog for free by displaying ads alongside your content.
I hope you enjoyed the tips on how to increase blog traffic. If you have any questions about this topic, I'd love to hear about them. Leave a question.
If you like these posts, you can link them on social media or your website or blog.
Good luck!
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