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10 Steps to Increase Blog Traffic

  In this article, you will learn how to get blog traffic  This post contains affiliate links, a s an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.  Learn more… You can build a bigger audience for your posts by following these 10 simple steps. Content of the article: 1. Find the real author (If you still aren't able to write!) 2. Use keyword research to identify good blog post topics 3. Focus on creating content that lasts 4. Keep your blog content fresh by updating existing posts 5. Add powerful images to your blog posts. 6. Optimizing blog posts for search engines 7. Type the email addresses 8. Encourage social sharing 9. User Censorship and Engagement 10. Create backlinks for blog posts Let's start with a very important question. Why blog? -There are three main reasons. Well first, blogging can be fun. It's a creative activity where you can express yourself and, if done well, you can connect with a large audience. Second, blogging can

5 Affiliate Marketing Tips for Maximize Your Earnings

  Affiliate Marketing Tips:  What the Experts Say Many affiliate marketers and influencers focus on promoting their products by planning effective affiliate marketing strategies. Finding the right audience and following the right strategy can be tough in the world of affiliate marketing. This leads to frustration and disappointment, and many newcomers are deprived of a potential source of income. This post contains affiliate links, a s an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.  Learn more… Affiliate Marketing Tip No. 1: Stick to One Source From the beginning, affiliate partners will struggle to promote their blogs because they are trying to get traffic from too many channels. When you try to pull traffic from multiple sources to get maximum traction, it can be easily defeated. Too much work for too little pay. Affiliate marketers often use the shotgun approach of pushing as many products as possible when they should be focusing on products that relate to their core

What is Affiliate Marketing? A Beginner's Guide

Imagine you didn't need anything else besides a website to make money online. You are not required to create your product or provide a service. Sounds perfect? Well, welcome to the world of affiliate marketing. This post contains affiliate links, a s an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.  Learn more… According to Statista, business spending on affiliate marketing is expected to reach $8.2 billion in the U.S. by 2022. If you start today, you will be in a prime position to take advantage of that. In this guide, you will learn: • What is affiliate marketing? • How does Affiliate Marketing work? • How much money can you potentially make • How to get started with affiliate marketing •What is affiliate marketing? This is one of the most common questions we receive, and the answer is quite simple. Affiliate marketing is a method for you to make money online by promoting other people’s products. You can earn a commission for recommending products or services to yo